Yea for the Colorado Martin clan! Thanks for the post, So good to read about how you are doing. Sounds like the kids are going full speed as usual! Thats porbably good.
We got to spend Friday night with Christi & Chris and the girls! It was really loads of fun. The girls jumped on the trampoline and then their family got to go out through the pumpkin patch (if you can call it a patch) and they each got to pick out a pumpkin. I was so cute to watch how deliberate Gilli was with the choosing of her pumpkin! She had to look at all of them at least twice before she picked out the one that was just right for her! SO CUTE! After it got almost dark we lit a fire and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores, custisy of Christi (thanks for the yummies). I was so much fun and we were all a little sticky by the time we were done. We wish you all could have been here, it reminded us of the camp out we had. We so need to do that again! Love you all and thanks for the fun reads.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The latest from us
Hi Everyone
I'm so glad to hear that you all are doing so well. We are well also. Fall sports are in full swing and have spent the last few Saturdays motoring between three games. Jesse is playing flag football and Bree and Paige are playing soccer. Its fun to see them learning to challenge themselves and be acitve.
Jesse really enjoys football. He loves to go out in the evening and practice his pass routes. He's had a number of fun plays go his way. Last week, on the first play of the game, he intercepted the other team's pass. Yesterday, he had a great fun for about 15 or 20 yards.
Bree was trooper yesterday. In the morning, she woke up with a sore knee. Of course, our drama queen (#1 of 4) made it seem unbelievable so we really weren't sure how much was drama and how much was real. She wavered throughout the day about whether or not she wanted to play. In the end, she did play through the pain it turns out. Last night, after she got cleaned up for Sunday, we checked out her knee and it was a bit swollen and she couldn't straighten it out without nearly going to tears. Fortunately, its much better today. If it persists, we'll certainly need to have it looked at.
Paige is enjoying soccer, though sometimes she's not sure how much. She gets distracted easily and the way she processes information makes it difficult sometimes. The quick fire instructions she gets from her coach (Jennah) and others take a second for her to fully comprehend. By then, sometimes the play has passed her by. We did notice yesterday that she does much better when she is in the middle of the action because she's naturally more focused. Its fun to watch her improve.
Having been a coach for these young teams, sometimes its hard for me to be a pure spectator. Jennah has to remind me to periodically be quiet (not when she's coaching of course - I know better then). I can't help it, though I really do try. I do love to see the kids have fun and grow. As long as they're doing that, I should be happy. Right?
We're doing some preparations for Halloween, getting costumes in order and such. Jennah went to Goodwill (great place) and got a few costumes yesterday. Caleb found a Batman costume. Kylee has wanted to be a horse and Jennah found a flying unicorn costume. Kylee was so thrilled! When she saw what costume Caleb had she said, "Well, horse don't love Batman." with a little cock of her head and swing in her hip. I suppose that's alright as long as Kylee still loves Caleb.
Well, we love you all and hope you continue to be well.
I'm so glad to hear that you all are doing so well. We are well also. Fall sports are in full swing and have spent the last few Saturdays motoring between three games. Jesse is playing flag football and Bree and Paige are playing soccer. Its fun to see them learning to challenge themselves and be acitve.
Jesse really enjoys football. He loves to go out in the evening and practice his pass routes. He's had a number of fun plays go his way. Last week, on the first play of the game, he intercepted the other team's pass. Yesterday, he had a great fun for about 15 or 20 yards.
Bree was trooper yesterday. In the morning, she woke up with a sore knee. Of course, our drama queen (#1 of 4) made it seem unbelievable so we really weren't sure how much was drama and how much was real. She wavered throughout the day about whether or not she wanted to play. In the end, she did play through the pain it turns out. Last night, after she got cleaned up for Sunday, we checked out her knee and it was a bit swollen and she couldn't straighten it out without nearly going to tears. Fortunately, its much better today. If it persists, we'll certainly need to have it looked at.
Paige is enjoying soccer, though sometimes she's not sure how much. She gets distracted easily and the way she processes information makes it difficult sometimes. The quick fire instructions she gets from her coach (Jennah) and others take a second for her to fully comprehend. By then, sometimes the play has passed her by. We did notice yesterday that she does much better when she is in the middle of the action because she's naturally more focused. Its fun to watch her improve.
Having been a coach for these young teams, sometimes its hard for me to be a pure spectator. Jennah has to remind me to periodically be quiet (not when she's coaching of course - I know better then). I can't help it, though I really do try. I do love to see the kids have fun and grow. As long as they're doing that, I should be happy. Right?
We're doing some preparations for Halloween, getting costumes in order and such. Jennah went to Goodwill (great place) and got a few costumes yesterday. Caleb found a Batman costume. Kylee has wanted to be a horse and Jennah found a flying unicorn costume. Kylee was so thrilled! When she saw what costume Caleb had she said, "Well, horse don't love Batman." with a little cock of her head and swing in her hip. I suppose that's alright as long as Kylee still loves Caleb.
Well, we love you all and hope you continue to be well.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I know where Christi is and how she is doing, because she and I are keeping the blog going. Which I really don't mind, just because I am putting down what is going on in our lives. But I thought the whole purpose of this blog was to keep in touch with ALL the Family. I already told Mindy she needs to get with it in person, but since I can't do that with Dave & Jen, or Steve & Jeni, I will do it here and now. In the nicest way possible, GET WITH IT! I am wondering how life in the home school/soccer lane and school/daycare lane are going! I love you all and hope to hear more from you ALL soon.
Oh and as for our family we are all still just plugging away. The kids with school, me with work and of course Chet with both work and tractor stuff on the side. Oh, and by the way, the pie I made the other day. It turned out really good, if I do say so myself.
Chet and I did just celebrate our anniversary, and I have to say I hope you are all as happy with your spouses and life as I am with mine! I look back at EVERYTHING we have gone through in these last 20 years, and though some of it may have been hard, I am so grateful for ALL of it. It made us the couple and family we are today! And what we are today I wouldn't trade for anything!
Megan's homecoming is this weekend, and she is a little sad because she didn't get asked. But she will be working on saturday night so at least she won't be sitting home feeling bad for herself. Scary to think that if she had gotten asked, that she is old enough to go!
Well, I guess I have rattled on long enough. I love you all. Jana & Fam
Oh and as for our family we are all still just plugging away. The kids with school, me with work and of course Chet with both work and tractor stuff on the side. Oh, and by the way, the pie I made the other day. It turned out really good, if I do say so myself.
Chet and I did just celebrate our anniversary, and I have to say I hope you are all as happy with your spouses and life as I am with mine! I look back at EVERYTHING we have gone through in these last 20 years, and though some of it may have been hard, I am so grateful for ALL of it. It made us the couple and family we are today! And what we are today I wouldn't trade for anything!
Megan's homecoming is this weekend, and she is a little sad because she didn't get asked. But she will be working on saturday night so at least she won't be sitting home feeling bad for herself. Scary to think that if she had gotten asked, that she is old enough to go!
Well, I guess I have rattled on long enough. I love you all. Jana & Fam
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
true wealth
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JANA & CHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just in case you wondered, you have been married about 1,226,400 hours, so see, you're both millionaires!!
love you best!
(your card is on it's way) :)
just in case you wondered, you have been married about 1,226,400 hours, so see, you're both millionaires!!
love you best!
(your card is on it's way) :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Boy I am getting daring now! I ended up with a bunch of peaches for free, from a tractor job Chet was on. After doing a bunch of jams including 2 kinds of spiced peach, and peach cantalope. Then I made peach syrup, peach juice and froze a bunch. I STILL have peaches! I am not complaining mind you, but I am not sure what to do with the ones that I have left. Also they are starting to get too ripe, so what ever I do I have to do soon. SO, with that in mind, today I made a peach pie! I have never made a homemade pie before! Ever! Well, ok, that's not true, I have made pumpkin, but thats easy! Never have I made a fruit pie. It is currently in the oven. I don't even know how it will turn out, but I was excited about it so I had to share. I will let you know how it all turns out! Love you all. P.S. That also reminds me, I still have pumpkins waiting to be chosen from our patch. :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Long Drive!
Hey everybody!
I sure do miss you guys just so you know! This has been an interesting week here, for at least Chet and I. We got to go on an airplane, for the second time in my life. And I just have to say, it is NOT my most favorite thing. I even took a motionsick pill, and it really didn't help much except to make me really groggy for the rest of the day.
Let me explain, Chet hit a cow! Yes a cow. Last Thursday, he was on his way home from Jackson Hole Wy, it was about 10:30 pm or there about. He came around a bend in the road and didn't hardly see the BLACK cows dotting the road. Trying to make me feel better he told me "Well, I did miss the first 2"! Not much consolation. At least he was ok. He got towed home and finally got home around 2:30 in the morning.
He was just going to use the suburban until they got his van fixed, because they will pay milage. However, when he headed out on Tuesday he only made it to Snowville, Ut on his way to Idaho, when the suburban broke down. :( frustration and aggrivation!
Anyway, his boss told him to fly up to Washington, and pick up the extra van they had up there. So, he called me and we made aggangements for me to take time off and for plane tickets and such, and Wednesday morning we were on a plane to Wa. We finally got home late last night. (we worked on our way back home) Needless to say it was a very long drive! Over a thousand miles in 3 days. Still long drive and all, I am glad to have had the chance to go with Chet! The kids even did pretty good getting themselves up and to school. Wow! They are getting so grown up! well, thatsa about it for now. I love you all. Oh, and I do agree with Madi! I'm not much of a pickle fan either. However, I can at least eat them now.
I sure do miss you guys just so you know! This has been an interesting week here, for at least Chet and I. We got to go on an airplane, for the second time in my life. And I just have to say, it is NOT my most favorite thing. I even took a motionsick pill, and it really didn't help much except to make me really groggy for the rest of the day.
Let me explain, Chet hit a cow! Yes a cow. Last Thursday, he was on his way home from Jackson Hole Wy, it was about 10:30 pm or there about. He came around a bend in the road and didn't hardly see the BLACK cows dotting the road. Trying to make me feel better he told me "Well, I did miss the first 2"! Not much consolation. At least he was ok. He got towed home and finally got home around 2:30 in the morning.
He was just going to use the suburban until they got his van fixed, because they will pay milage. However, when he headed out on Tuesday he only made it to Snowville, Ut on his way to Idaho, when the suburban broke down. :( frustration and aggrivation!
Anyway, his boss told him to fly up to Washington, and pick up the extra van they had up there. So, he called me and we made aggangements for me to take time off and for plane tickets and such, and Wednesday morning we were on a plane to Wa. We finally got home late last night. (we worked on our way back home) Needless to say it was a very long drive! Over a thousand miles in 3 days. Still long drive and all, I am glad to have had the chance to go with Chet! The kids even did pretty good getting themselves up and to school. Wow! They are getting so grown up! well, thatsa about it for now. I love you all. Oh, and I do agree with Madi! I'm not much of a pickle fan either. However, I can at least eat them now.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hi! I'm just commissurating with Madi! Ugh! I agree Madi, dill pickles smell like dead caterpillars! Grandpa loves them! Not for breakfast though, thank goodness!!!
Taught Relief Society last Sunday, taught a class on Tuesday evening, have another on Saturday, and am teaching all day at work tomorrow! What happened? I always used to tell people I wasn't a teacher! Maybe I still am not, but I surely seem to be doing a lot of it these days!
Weather is beautiful here! We open all the doors and windows at night, and it's almost too cool some mornings. It really is lovely here. Miss you all. Have a lovely rest of the week. Mom
Taught Relief Society last Sunday, taught a class on Tuesday evening, have another on Saturday, and am teaching all day at work tomorrow! What happened? I always used to tell people I wasn't a teacher! Maybe I still am not, but I surely seem to be doing a lot of it these days!
Weather is beautiful here! We open all the doors and windows at night, and it's almost too cool some mornings. It really is lovely here. Miss you all. Have a lovely rest of the week. Mom
why am i laughing?
so, since i have decided to embrace my inner e.e. cummings and boycott all rules regarding capitalization, you will always know it is me posting, right? like i told you a long time ago, i am the queen of trivia.
so i thought i would share a little reason to giggle today. miss gilli loves dill pickles passionately. she would have them for every meal if i would let her. this morning for breakfast, she told me she wanted vanilla instant breakfast AND a pickle. sounds pretty gross huh? the best part was madi's response? (GROAN) "Gilli, i hate it when you eat dill pickles, they smell like DEAD CATERPILLARS."
cue laughing :)
so i thought i would share a little reason to giggle today. miss gilli loves dill pickles passionately. she would have them for every meal if i would let her. this morning for breakfast, she told me she wanted vanilla instant breakfast AND a pickle. sounds pretty gross huh? the best part was madi's response? (GROAN) "Gilli, i hate it when you eat dill pickles, they smell like DEAD CATERPILLARS."
cue laughing :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hey everyone! Bout time we got a new blog. Just a little update on what's going on with us:
Katie has begun preschool at Dilley Elementary School, and she really seems to like it. She goes every day for a few hours at a time. She has also started a soccer 'group'. its not a league or competitive group, but just a bunch of mostly LDS people that want their kids to play and learn. they have games in their age brackets but they don't keep score, so its been pretty good. She gets a little mad when she doesn't do things up to Pele's level of play, and she went from telling us that she was really good at soccer to, "I'm not good any more," after a frustrating practice where she was too busy playing around to listen to her coach.
Ryan has inherited his Dad's climbing genes and loves to get on anything he can. his most recent favorites are the dinner table, chairs and the couch. We're hoping he doesnt move on to bigger and higher things like the top of the fridge. He is getting so big and chatters all day long, throwing in real words mixed in with the baby chatter.
Jennifer quit her newspaper route before we left for the summer because of some issues with her boss about taking the time off work. But when we got back, her visiting teacher asked her if she would be up for helping her watch her daughter a few days a week for her since her other kids were going back to work, and preschool wasn't every day. So Jenn agreed and is watching a 4 year old 2 days a week. Its been fun for Katie to have someone come over to play, and the little girl is well behaved, so it hasn't been too difficult. She is also back in the swing of working out pretty regularly in the morning, which she really enjoys. (I get the working out part as good, but I just don't get the waking up at 6 am to do it.)
I have been in school for about 3 weeks now and I'm starting to feel like I better start studying again before it gets overwhelming. This semester is going to be really good as we are covering stuff that I am pretty interested in, but also pretty busy. I also interpret 1 day a week at one of the school's clinics, and have been trying to lose some weight as well, although I do it at a sensible hour, usually 8:30 or 9 Pm after the kids are in bed, and have dropped from 210 to 200.7 lbs. so I am really exited about that.
We have our family garden that has started to yield up some food, which is exiting. So far we have have gleaned 4 ears of corn, and a few carrots. Its getting late in the season, and things are still not ripe yet, so I hope it finishes up quick before the weather turns.
Thats about it, but you can check some of the pics on our family website if you would like to see some updated ones of the kids.
Katie has begun preschool at Dilley Elementary School, and she really seems to like it. She goes every day for a few hours at a time. She has also started a soccer 'group'. its not a league or competitive group, but just a bunch of mostly LDS people that want their kids to play and learn. they have games in their age brackets but they don't keep score, so its been pretty good. She gets a little mad when she doesn't do things up to Pele's level of play, and she went from telling us that she was really good at soccer to, "I'm not good any more," after a frustrating practice where she was too busy playing around to listen to her coach.
Ryan has inherited his Dad's climbing genes and loves to get on anything he can. his most recent favorites are the dinner table, chairs and the couch. We're hoping he doesnt move on to bigger and higher things like the top of the fridge. He is getting so big and chatters all day long, throwing in real words mixed in with the baby chatter.
Jennifer quit her newspaper route before we left for the summer because of some issues with her boss about taking the time off work. But when we got back, her visiting teacher asked her if she would be up for helping her watch her daughter a few days a week for her since her other kids were going back to work, and preschool wasn't every day. So Jenn agreed and is watching a 4 year old 2 days a week. Its been fun for Katie to have someone come over to play, and the little girl is well behaved, so it hasn't been too difficult. She is also back in the swing of working out pretty regularly in the morning, which she really enjoys. (I get the working out part as good, but I just don't get the waking up at 6 am to do it.)
I have been in school for about 3 weeks now and I'm starting to feel like I better start studying again before it gets overwhelming. This semester is going to be really good as we are covering stuff that I am pretty interested in, but also pretty busy. I also interpret 1 day a week at one of the school's clinics, and have been trying to lose some weight as well, although I do it at a sensible hour, usually 8:30 or 9 Pm after the kids are in bed, and have dropped from 210 to 200.7 lbs. so I am really exited about that.
We have our family garden that has started to yield up some food, which is exiting. So far we have have gleaned 4 ears of corn, and a few carrots. Its getting late in the season, and things are still not ripe yet, so I hope it finishes up quick before the weather turns.
Thats about it, but you can check some of the pics on our family website if you would like to see some updated ones of the kids.
My Mountain
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Glad for all of you!
Hi All!
Hey everyone, I just want to thanks you all for being such amazing people, and for including me in your life! Today I have been just a little lonely, and how nice it was to get on the blog and find a new post from my funny sister. You make me laugh! I enjoyed reading about what is going on so much it made me feel better.
By the by, the pumpkins are ready, whenever you want to come and pick a few out.
I have been working hard on the back yard too. I was going to go out and take a picture to show you all what I have been doing, but when I got the camera out, alas, the battery was dead. Now it is charged and again, alas, it is dark out now, and the sprinklers are on. Oh well, I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.
Chet will be having his second cortizone epidural tomorrow afternoon, hopefully his back will improve a little more. We are praying that it will get better so that we can avoid him having to go to surgery.
The kids are good, school, is going well, I think. I say I think, because.... I have not been following Megan & Ford as closely this year, due to the fact that last year it almost ruined the relationship I have with Megan. So this year I have taken the position, of casual interest, and occasional reminer person. They are at the age now that if they don't want to do something, no matter how much I beg, plead, or bribe; they won't do it. I had to tell Megan and myself, that if she wants to graduate, it is entirely up to her. All I am doing is trying to encourage her, and mostly trying to keep myself in check. This approch is harder than one might think. I still want to bar her from doing ANYTHING if her homework is not done. I just don't want a repeat of last year, it was really that bad as far as school goes.
Also, I am trying to teach them to get out of bed on their own. Mom & Dad how did you do it without killing me? Truely though, I don't think I was ever this bad. Megan can wake up, carry on a conversation with me, go back to bed and never remember that we even ever spoke. She is currently grounded from driving the car until next Friday (that would be one week from tomorrow) because she was late for school, and our bargin was that if she was late first thing in the morning, or after lunch, she would loose her driveing privelages for a bit. So far she is not a happy camper. Especially today when I drove her to work with the car she drives and is responsible to keep fuel in. She was very mad that I was "WAISTING" her fuel making two extra trips as opposed to letting her drive her self. I told her it was fair because I shouldn't have to waist my fuel when she should be driving herself. Also if she was going to complain about it, I would start using HER car to drive her to school in the morning too.
Oh the joys of everyday life. Truely though, I am so glad for my life and for Megan and Ford. I love you all, sorry the post is so long, but I feel better anyway.
Love Jana
Hey everyone, I just want to thanks you all for being such amazing people, and for including me in your life! Today I have been just a little lonely, and how nice it was to get on the blog and find a new post from my funny sister. You make me laugh! I enjoyed reading about what is going on so much it made me feel better.
By the by, the pumpkins are ready, whenever you want to come and pick a few out.
I have been working hard on the back yard too. I was going to go out and take a picture to show you all what I have been doing, but when I got the camera out, alas, the battery was dead. Now it is charged and again, alas, it is dark out now, and the sprinklers are on. Oh well, I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.
Chet will be having his second cortizone epidural tomorrow afternoon, hopefully his back will improve a little more. We are praying that it will get better so that we can avoid him having to go to surgery.
The kids are good, school, is going well, I think. I say I think, because.... I have not been following Megan & Ford as closely this year, due to the fact that last year it almost ruined the relationship I have with Megan. So this year I have taken the position, of casual interest, and occasional reminer person. They are at the age now that if they don't want to do something, no matter how much I beg, plead, or bribe; they won't do it. I had to tell Megan and myself, that if she wants to graduate, it is entirely up to her. All I am doing is trying to encourage her, and mostly trying to keep myself in check. This approch is harder than one might think. I still want to bar her from doing ANYTHING if her homework is not done. I just don't want a repeat of last year, it was really that bad as far as school goes.
Also, I am trying to teach them to get out of bed on their own. Mom & Dad how did you do it without killing me? Truely though, I don't think I was ever this bad. Megan can wake up, carry on a conversation with me, go back to bed and never remember that we even ever spoke. She is currently grounded from driving the car until next Friday (that would be one week from tomorrow) because she was late for school, and our bargin was that if she was late first thing in the morning, or after lunch, she would loose her driveing privelages for a bit. So far she is not a happy camper. Especially today when I drove her to work with the car she drives and is responsible to keep fuel in. She was very mad that I was "WAISTING" her fuel making two extra trips as opposed to letting her drive her self. I told her it was fair because I shouldn't have to waist my fuel when she should be driving herself. Also if she was going to complain about it, I would start using HER car to drive her to school in the morning too.
Oh the joys of everyday life. Truely though, I am so glad for my life and for Megan and Ford. I love you all, sorry the post is so long, but I feel better anyway.
Love Jana
wow! watch that first step, it's a doozy
so, right now there is a backhoe in my front yard, creating a VERY large hole where our sidewalk used to be. i am really weary of construction, but all the same, the process is fascinating (and VERY NOISY) oh, sorry, was i shouting? the excavator has to work around these bizarre braces that are holding up the roof. nothing too major, it's just the roof. one of the guys was joking and said that if i heard a really loud noise that i should probably just keep the door shut. i think that was good advice.
September 11th is very thought provoking day for me. before gilli was born, our OB had an opening on her schedule and suggested delivering on the 11th, but i didn't want gilli stuck with any ties to such a weighty date, and now as i remember crying while watching the news coverage, even after so many years, i am glad tomorrow is gilli's birthday, instead of today.
sorry for such a serious post, just wanted to let you know that i am glad to be alive and despite living in a world full of chaos and even darkness, there is so much good! thanks for being a part of my goodness. love you guys! sending hugs! XXXXXXXXXXXXX!!! did you feel that? hope so! :)
p.s. I'm having a stamp party on october 11th!! :) you are all invited! let me know if you can make it ok?
September 11th is very thought provoking day for me. before gilli was born, our OB had an opening on her schedule and suggested delivering on the 11th, but i didn't want gilli stuck with any ties to such a weighty date, and now as i remember crying while watching the news coverage, even after so many years, i am glad tomorrow is gilli's birthday, instead of today.
sorry for such a serious post, just wanted to let you know that i am glad to be alive and despite living in a world full of chaos and even darkness, there is so much good! thanks for being a part of my goodness. love you guys! sending hugs! XXXXXXXXXXXXX!!! did you feel that? hope so! :)
p.s. I'm having a stamp party on october 11th!! :) you are all invited! let me know if you can make it ok?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hi all! It's mom & dad. Finally got on, had trouble creating our account, but oh well! It's always fun to read you posts. I just taught my first Gospel Doctrine class today. It's like pulling teeth to get the people to participate, but I survived. My only hope is that someone got something out of it. Next week, I teach the Relief Society lesson, it's a bit of a challenge, glad I have a week to ponder it. I'll be driving to SLC for Gene Bott's wedding this week, staying with Mindy, (thanks so much!) and driving back the next day. Not much time to see anyone, but will try. I'll be at the reception Tuesday night if anyone is going. Hope to see someone. We are surely enjoying our lovely back yard, and spending more and more time on the deck just basking! It's getting cooler and really enjoyable. Hope some of you can come again soon. Love you all! Mom
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Yay!! I am so glad to know I am not out here in this wide universe all by myself! Thanks so much for the posts. It really means more to me than I can explain to anyone. It helps me feel connected, if you will.
Christi, I fell your knidergarten pain! I can still see Megan waving her hand at me after telling me that she "didn't need my help getting to class, and that she could do EVERTHING by HERSELF!!" :) I do have to say that things really haven't changed much in that repsect.
Also as for the dentist, I will more likely than not, be having some of that same work done before too long. Especially as I have been procastinating the day for quite some time. I HATE the dentist! I told Chet I would take surgery, over the dentist ANY Day! And I mean that whole heartedly!
Well, a new adventure has begun at our house......... we bought a car for Megan to drive. Now I know you are all thinking, wait, I thought she was already driving?, and you would be correct. She has been driving the surburban. Now, she has a small car, which also happens to be a standard! Yup! We have undertaken the study courses of learning how to drive a stik! I have revisited some NOW very amusing moments in my mind or the last couple of days. Mostly just how funny it can be to learn driving a standard. I have had a couple of REALLY good laughs. The good thing is that for the most part, so has Megan.
The other day I took her to a church parking lot, that has both driveways on a hill. Trying to teach her how to start out on a hill. Either she killed it, or she squeeled the tires everytime, before I finally told her we would have to practice more on another day. The whole time she was just laughing her head off! It really was funny. Bring back any memories Dave? Even now thinking about it I am having a chuckle. Good times I will remember always!!!
Today though, OH MY! I had her drive me over to the new Lowes, in Clinton, for a few things. When we left, she ended up with a man in a truck, right behind her. Of course, that made her nervouse from the start, so.... OF COURSE, she killed it right off the bat! That's not where the problem lies however. She looked in her mirror to see the man just out right laughing! Then she got really upset! I finally just told her to wave him to go around her. Which he did, all the while laughing and waving as he drove past. She was so upset! It really was quite comical! At least for me. :)
Well, now that I have posted a book! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself). I need to go to bed. We have stake conference in the morning. Love you all tons! Thanks again for letting me know how you all are doing. Love Jana & Fam
Christi, I fell your knidergarten pain! I can still see Megan waving her hand at me after telling me that she "didn't need my help getting to class, and that she could do EVERTHING by HERSELF!!" :) I do have to say that things really haven't changed much in that repsect.
Also as for the dentist, I will more likely than not, be having some of that same work done before too long. Especially as I have been procastinating the day for quite some time. I HATE the dentist! I told Chet I would take surgery, over the dentist ANY Day! And I mean that whole heartedly!
Well, a new adventure has begun at our house......... we bought a car for Megan to drive. Now I know you are all thinking, wait, I thought she was already driving?, and you would be correct. She has been driving the surburban. Now, she has a small car, which also happens to be a standard! Yup! We have undertaken the study courses of learning how to drive a stik! I have revisited some NOW very amusing moments in my mind or the last couple of days. Mostly just how funny it can be to learn driving a standard. I have had a couple of REALLY good laughs. The good thing is that for the most part, so has Megan.
The other day I took her to a church parking lot, that has both driveways on a hill. Trying to teach her how to start out on a hill. Either she killed it, or she squeeled the tires everytime, before I finally told her we would have to practice more on another day. The whole time she was just laughing her head off! It really was funny. Bring back any memories Dave? Even now thinking about it I am having a chuckle. Good times I will remember always!!!
Today though, OH MY! I had her drive me over to the new Lowes, in Clinton, for a few things. When we left, she ended up with a man in a truck, right behind her. Of course, that made her nervouse from the start, so.... OF COURSE, she killed it right off the bat! That's not where the problem lies however. She looked in her mirror to see the man just out right laughing! Then she got really upset! I finally just told her to wave him to go around her. Which he did, all the while laughing and waving as he drove past. She was so upset! It really was quite comical! At least for me. :)
Well, now that I have posted a book! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself). I need to go to bed. We have stake conference in the morning. Love you all tons! Thanks again for letting me know how you all are doing. Love Jana & Fam
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just Chillin'
Friday! I do look forward to Fridays. The weekend is a reprieve of sorts, and I'm glad to have it. Its really just trading one bag of to dos' for another, but its a welcome change all the same.
Jennah can relate to your root canal Christi. She had one a few months back and had some minor complications as well. No fun!
Tomorrow starts our Fall round of sports. Jesse is playing flag football and Bree and Paige are playing soccer. Jennah is coaching Paige's team, so that adds a bit more business to the schedule. We're looking forward to Saturday circuses as we perform the trick of getting to three games, but it will be fun as long as the kids have fun.
That's all for now. Later.
Jennah can relate to your root canal Christi. She had one a few months back and had some minor complications as well. No fun!
Tomorrow starts our Fall round of sports. Jesse is playing flag football and Bree and Paige are playing soccer. Jennah is coaching Paige's team, so that adds a bit more business to the schedule. We're looking forward to Saturday circuses as we perform the trick of getting to three games, but it will be fun as long as the kids have fun.
That's all for now. Later.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
can you say adding insult to injury? yesterday was a tough day.
first owwie of the day -- gilli started kindergarten. :( while she is only gone less than three hours every day, she is still away from me and my watchful eye. i asked her to stop and wave at me when she got to the door, or i think she would have left me without a backward glance. today when we got to the school she wanted me to stay in the car and let her walk all by herself. so much for momma's apron strings.
second owwie - that would be a root canal on one of my ever so lovely teeth. not so much fun. to top it off, the temporary crown fell off on the way home -- nice huh?!? so i had to go back again today. i have avoided the dentist office for as long as i could and two times in two days is way too much dentistry for me. ouch!!!!!!!!
so, sorry for the e.e. cummings approach to upper case today, but at least i posted.
on the bright side of our world, both girlies are loving school, there is finally progress on construction -- they actually framed the new garage today and trusses and joists arrive monday (or tuesday) which probably means wednesday. so we may actually have a roof before snow starts at the rate they are going, and we'll only have to move our stuff three more times to make it happen. construction is obnoxious!
tylenol and a big gilli hug after school fixed my owies, and now good family of mine, i'm off for storytime.
hugs from me to you!! you'll have to get your won tylenol. :)
first owwie of the day -- gilli started kindergarten. :( while she is only gone less than three hours every day, she is still away from me and my watchful eye. i asked her to stop and wave at me when she got to the door, or i think she would have left me without a backward glance. today when we got to the school she wanted me to stay in the car and let her walk all by herself. so much for momma's apron strings.
second owwie - that would be a root canal on one of my ever so lovely teeth. not so much fun. to top it off, the temporary crown fell off on the way home -- nice huh?!? so i had to go back again today. i have avoided the dentist office for as long as i could and two times in two days is way too much dentistry for me. ouch!!!!!!!!
so, sorry for the e.e. cummings approach to upper case today, but at least i posted.
on the bright side of our world, both girlies are loving school, there is finally progress on construction -- they actually framed the new garage today and trusses and joists arrive monday (or tuesday) which probably means wednesday. so we may actually have a roof before snow starts at the rate they are going, and we'll only have to move our stuff three more times to make it happen. construction is obnoxious!
tylenol and a big gilli hug after school fixed my owies, and now good family of mine, i'm off for storytime.
hugs from me to you!! you'll have to get your won tylenol. :)
HELLO OUT THERE? I really don't think I am here all alone, but maybe. That would make me sad! I am crazy busy, but I still have a few minutes to peak to see if anyone has posted or not. I know that my kids are older and everything but seriously, Even if someone just said Hi. I am missing all of you. (heavy sigh) Oh well I will look later, and see if anyone leaves a message. :( Love you all a ton Jana
Monday, September 1, 2008
Yay, I am so excited to be back to the Family blog! Now if we can get EVERYONE to play along, we're in business.
I know that we just had pictures taken, but I always take some of Meg & Ford at the park and they turned out really good so I thought I would share a couple with you. Hope they make you smile. Especially the one of Megan & me. We are so crazy. Love you, and I hope to hear from everyone soon.

I know that we just had pictures taken, but I always take some of Meg & Ford at the park and they turned out really good so I thought I would share a couple with you. Hope they make you smile. Especially the one of Megan & me. We are so crazy. Love you, and I hope to hear from everyone soon.
Back online
Hey Guys
Come and jam with us! Sorry i took so long to get this back up. But here we are again and I'll be much more careful with maintaing my access this time.
We sure enjoyed the chance to visit with everyone. I hope that next time we may have a bit more time.
School is back in full session now. Kylee and Caleb get to go to pre-school a couple of times a week. Kylee considers it the highlight of her week and Caleb endures it, though he does have fun once he's decided he can't get out of it.
We love you guys and look forward to hearing from everyone in the future.
Come and jam with us! Sorry i took so long to get this back up. But here we are again and I'll be much more careful with maintaing my access this time.
We sure enjoyed the chance to visit with everyone. I hope that next time we may have a bit more time.
School is back in full session now. Kylee and Caleb get to go to pre-school a couple of times a week. Kylee considers it the highlight of her week and Caleb endures it, though he does have fun once he's decided he can't get out of it.
We love you guys and look forward to hearing from everyone in the future.
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