Whoa, this is some kind of record for me. I will be making two posts in one day! One here on the family blog and one on
parker's panic.
So can you believe how stinking fast this year is flying by? I was thinking today, that we are almost though another term of school, then there is only one left! I can't even believe how fast time seems to be going.
It seems like years since last August, and all of us being together! I think
everyone should just come home! I need a hug!
I know that isn't possible, but it would sure be nice. :)
Things here are just about the same, busy. Work is going for the most part good. They finished construction on my school so we are again working out of our own kitchen. It has been nice in some ways and not so much in others. I am however glad to have a job, and one that on most days I like.
The kids are still fighting to get through school. I of course an cracking the whip like always! Just kidding, well.... sort of.
Jennah, maybe I should send them to stay with you. Maybe you could catch them up on the things they are lagging in. The one thing the
homeschoolers have an advantage in, is knowing one on one, the way the kids learn. IF one thing works for this kid great, but it might
not work for this kid. If Ford could just listen, and test, he would have A's I'm sure of it. I know he needs to learn how to do homework, (well, I sort of know) but the amount they send home is
ridiculous. For Megan it is getting even worse. I know it's bad to say, but I will be glad when they are both out of school, and homework is not an issue anymore.
Other than school they are doing really good. Megan is still working her two jobs and Ford is still looking for one.
Chet is working like crazy, also being grateful that he has a job. Also wishing that there wasn't so much stress that went along with it.
All in all we are doing great! Hope to hear from you soon! Jan