Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hello Everone

I would like to thank everyone for cards,and other well wishes on fathers day, Christi and the girls surprised me and come down on Thr.night instead of Sunday, because they knew mom would be up in SALT LAKE TO THE GEM fAIR, AND THEY DIDN,T want me to be alone.. Christi made a special chickem enchilada, dinner for our diner; I want you all to know that it was really good..We have had fun with them here I took them up to Gunlock to see the water coming over the spillway, then we went down to the Santa Clara river to look for rocks and play in the water..they have been hiking and other activities.. They are still trying to get use to the hot weather we are having..
I had a Dr,s appointment and everything went well.. Then Monday I had a blood draw and again everything is still pretty good.. I really thank all of you for your prayers in my behalf, and I know the Lord is hearing them and I am thankfull..
Jan and her friend Rita, came down for about 3 days to stay with us so they could attend traing for their school lunch program it was fun to get to visit with both of them, even if it was until the early morning 1 am, but they still made it to all their traing.. Jan and Rita, left for home Fri. afternoon so they could spent the week end with their families..
I have beenwaiting up fot the dariy to come, it is here and in the fridge, so I will sign off for now.. I love all of you very much... Love DAD

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello Family

Yes, it's me. Don't faint in your chair. I'm actually posting.

We had a busy weekend. The Utah Valley Children's Choir came to our area for a performance. We had the good fortune of hosting four of the young women that are part of the group. It was very enjoyable. The kids took to our four visitors almost immediately. Jesse stayed up later with us and visited and its fun to see him learning how to interact and open up a little bit more, especially with girls. He enjoyed it too, though I think he would actually try to deny it, but soon the smile would break through and he wouldn't be able to hide it.

Jennah's sister, Sarelle, and her family are moving to Kansas. Dan has a new job there. They stopped here for the night last night. It was fun to visit, though my visiting time with them was cut short. Caleb has a Inguinal Hernia (sp?). At first, we noticed there would be a bulge near his groin, but he didn't complain about it and it would pass. However, withing the last several weeks it has been causing him pain. Last night the pain was really bad. A couple of weeks ago we took him to the ER for this because we were advised by multiple sources to do so to ensure that there wasn't any constriction of the intestines. All was well, but we needed to get it treated. We had an appointment for June 23 with a pediatric surgeon. But last night was pretty bad. I was in the hospital with Caleb all night. He was up until about 2:00 in the morning when the morphine finally kicked in and they were able to push his intestines back in. I finally got a couple of hours sleep when they took us up to the pediatric ward so they could monitor Caleb until morning. Needless to say, we got an earlier appointment with a pediatric surgeon and we will probably have a day surgery for Caleb very soon. Keep us in your prayers on this.

Aside from our eventful few days, life moves forward fairly routinely on most days. We hope you are all well. We will be coming out to Utah in July. I will be flying into Salt Lake on the evening of the 21st of the morning of the 22nd and I'd love to see as many of you as possible on that Friday. Then we'll head down to St. George for a couple of days. I'll be in touch with you all directly to see what arrangements we can make.

Love you