Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dave is sneaky!

This is the year I have finally managed to be sneaky with Jennah. A couple of weeks ago I decided to get Jennah a new dress to wear to my work Christmas party. Unfortunately, that's all the forethought I gave it, promptly finding myself at JC Penney without knowing Jennah's dress size. I called Jan and said "Help!" She asked if I knew her pant size, shirt size, etc. She even asked if I knew her bra size. Unfortunately I remembered the right size for the wrong measurement on the bra. Jan accused me of being such a guy as she cracked up. Anyway, she told me she would call Jennah because they had us for Christmas this year and she would ask some questions. As Jan was talking with Jennah, she coyly asked if I was home. Jennah said no, that I was out running errands, Christmas shopping. She said that "Dave thinks he's sneaky but he's really not" (or something along those lines). When Jan called my back, she told me what Jennah said. We had a good laugh and Jennah and I had another good laugh later that night when I surprised her with the dress and even enjoyed a little bit of gloating over how sneaky I (with Jan's help) had been.

I also pulled another sneaky success this morning. Jennah misplaced out digital camera on our last trip to Utah and so she's been making due with our camcorder as a camera. But, the pictures really aren't very good. They're very grainy with poor resolution so she's really been wanting a new one. So, I decided I would get her one using a $50.oo Best Buy gift card I won at work. The gift card helped offset the balance and made it manageable for Christmas. Coincidentally, I bought the camera the same night as the dress so I think I was on a roll.

This morning, Jennah did her stocking first, and I had wrapped the camera in rolls of tissue paper so she couldn't feel what was inside, then put that gift on the top of her stocking. She was so excited when that was the first thing she opened.

Here is a picture, on the new camera, of the Doll House we made for the girls this Christmas.

We have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Day and hope you have all had the same. We love you very much and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Love you


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