Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some hope.

Well, I really don't have much new going on here, but I have to share something that happened on Monday that gives me hope.
We (the kids & I) had Monday off, as it was the end of term and teachers had to do grades.
So, not wanting to miss an opportunity to spend time with Chet, I of course went to work with him. Leaving my two off spring to figure out for themselves,what they were going to do for the day. I had previously tried to encourage them both to make plans, but to no avail.
Anyway, Chet and I head out to Salt Lake, and I get a phone call from Megan asking if she and Ford can go see "Race to Witch Mountain". See, Megan's main perk in working at the theatre is, that she gets to go see movies for free and can get one other person in for free as well. So, that said, I am thinking that this is good, for as long as it can last with them being kind to each other. Things always start out nice and by the time the show is over, they are at each others throats.
So, the show time comes and goes and I don't hear anything from them. So I am wondering if they have finished each other off without alerting someone. So I text them just to see how things are going. I am informed that they are currently at Barnes and Noble looking at books before they go and see another movie together.
Well, now I am just plain shocked! They are going to the movies together again? And, no one is forcing them to spend time together? I didn't have to bribe or beg? Ok, is there some unknown agenda here that I am unaware of?
Later that afternoon I got a text from Megan with a big smiley that said " So, Ive spent the entire day with my brother :) " and that is an exact quote!
It made me smile so big!
Now, flash forward to today, and they are again at the movies together. Just the two of them. It leaves me with the hope, that like me and my siblings in the end, they will end up, not only liking each other, but they will be one of their favorite people!
I love you all and thanks for being some of my favorite people. Love Ya Jana

1 comment:

mom&dad said...

life is full of wonderful suprises and we can be greatful to be a small part of that