Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I am at work and so I only have just a quick minute. The last couple of weeks has been just crazy! I sprained my ankle at Church over a week ago and that is taking its darn sweet time in healing. Ford was ordained a priest on Sunday by Chet! Sweet moment for us! Megan is getting ready to change schools in hopes that she might be able to graduate on time, also she got a job just in time to get sick! Hopefully she will be better before Monday when she is suppose to start at the new school and her job. Ford had his first swim meet yesterday, that was really fun to watch. I look forward to watching him swim and improve. I came back to work toady only to decide that it was too soon. I will try again to come back to work on Monday. Whew! What a couple of weeks. Will try to fill in details when I am not at work if anyone has any questions. Till then Love ya tons! Jana


mom&dad said...

Good to hear from you little sister!

mom&dad said...

Good to hear from you little sister!