Monday, February 6, 2012


Well it is pretty safe to say, I am allergic to family. Either that or church. I suppose I should blame it a bit more on church. ;)
I was fine Sunday morning before we got to the baby blessing, but about 30 seconds before we went in, I sneezed! Not a big massive sneeze mind you. Just your typical sunshine got up my nose sneeze. My nose ran a bit through church, but I figured it would stop after I took an allergy pill. It usually does, but NO not this time!! Now I have a full on head cold! :P Dang it! First time I have been sick since school started this year though, so I should be grateful (which I am).
Oh well, the baby blessing was great. The testimonies were good, especially the little kids! One little girl in particular was grateful that the Book of Mormon loves us! SO very cute! :) Missed seeing those of you who could not make it. Was good to see those who did! Christi, I understand you and your family have been ill, hope you are all feeling spiffy soon! Love to you all! :)Now I am going to take some cold meds and go to bed!

1 comment:

Dave and Jennah said...

We've had the same thing making rounds at our house for the last week or so. Not fun. I'm in the stages of thing myself now.