Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Great to achieve goals

Okay, I know this is really trivial after Jana's post, but someone has to put something down, so might as well be me.

Being a third year offers a little more time to do things besides school, so I have picked up racquetball again. There are two guys that I have never been able to beat, and both of them are here on their rotations in 4th year, so I have had the chance to play them now my game's back in form. I beat one of them about a month ago, so that was killer, but tonight I beat the other guy, who is a much better player. It was so awesome! It wasn't just a win it was 15-7 and I kept him scoreless for about half of the game. So I thought I'd share my victory dance online. Give a hoot and holler for me, cause I met my goal and got both of them.

1 comment:

Jana and Family said...

Good for you! However I celebrate with you with a note of jealousy in my rejoicing. I haven'tplayed since Dave and Jen moved away. Mindy said she would love to play with me but we are an hour away from each other, so it is a difficult endevor. :( glad you are playing the way you like. Have a game for me.