Thursday, June 24, 2010

Taking your lumps

Just in case word hasn't gotten around, I didn't pass my last set of board exams. What that means is 1, I have to take the test again in August in Chicago and pay the fee again (ouch), 2 I lost the job waiting for me in Orem and 3 I'm back to washing windows again. Needless to say, its been a very gut wrenching experience. If you have ever felt like you failed at something, you know its very difficult to separate the failure at a task from you being the failure. I guess we can look for the blessing in the trial, and I know we will be taken care of, but I sure could use the prayers you feel inclined to send our way. We have several challenges ahead. I need to find a place to be able to practice, while avoiding a law suit for practicing without a license, and keep up with our finances by trying to wash windows. Katie will again have to go to 2 separate schools this year, and all those dreams of starting to get out of debt are put on hold. What's the lesson? Wish I knew, but I am confident we were set on this path of school for a reason, and I know we were meant to succeed. We'll be okay. Things in August will go well. Its just been fun right now waiting for the emotional bruises to go away.
Thanks for listening to me complain.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have decided!

This is just a little note to let you all know that I have decided that you will not have to worry about me ever moving to Washington or Oregon. This last few months has taught me that I am pretty certain that I would totally go nuts in a climate where all it did is rain everyday! I admit it. I miss the usual Utah weather! Warm sunshine filled days is what I am use to and I am truly missing them. Not to mention I think my garden is drowning! I will be amazed if anything grows this year! What a waste of money :( Oh well. If it does I will be grateful and if it doesn't and I actually get some veggies out of it all!
The sun did shine down for a little bit this afternoon and Chet and I went out for a walk and got some really beautiful pictures! (Chet took them) and it really was beautiful. As I sit her getting ready for bed though, it has started to rain yet again and even the sound of it doesn't bring me the peace that it did even a few weeks ago. I hope you will forgive me for my ranting, and those of you whom I am sure are loving this....Enjoy it for me :) I love you all and hope you are all doing well.
Ph, and Jennah, Happy Birthday my sweet sister. Daddy, I hope you are feeling better SOON! You are in my prayers Love ya Jana

Thursday, June 10, 2010

great quote!

ANNA QUINDLEN : Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now to live, really love the journey, not the destination.

good reminder! love you all!!! :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well my special family, I again want to thank all of you for your efforts to come to St George for a very good visit.. I enjoyed the time I had to visit with each of you one on one, I came away even more impressed with a confirmation that Mom and I have the greatest kids ever.. We are greatful that the gospel is important to all of you, and your families.. I pray that none of us will ever let that go away from us in our lives.. I had fun seeing how much each of the grand children have grown ..I really missed Chris, Megan and Ford and want you all to know we all felt the hole that was left by your absents.. I am sorry I did not have the energy to take the kids on a ride in the ATV, I feel badly about that.. but maybe next time we can do that..
I hope the new summer warm is making everyone happy, and that now your garden can start growing Jan.. I talked with Henry Post, he told me he had to till up where he planted his corn and re plant because it has been so wet it rotted the seed.. Mom, made a quick trip up to be at Megans graduation{way to go Megs}she was impressed, and greatful to be there for her and I...Megan I am proud of you for the the effort, I know it has not been easy..
I hope everyone is well and your summer is full of great adventures.. That could include a visit to sunny St George... Well that was just a passing thought, Love you all very much DAD

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


thanks everybody for a wonderful weekend! it was so good to see everybody. my house seems way too quiet today. wish we could do it more often. love you all!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So good!

It was so good to see everyone this past weekend! reminds me of what fantastic people I am privileged to call my family!
Thanks to Mom and Dad for housing us all! I am sure it was a lot more noise than they were/are use to. Still the giggles of the kids makes me smile to myself as I sit here typing this note. :)
Thank you all again. Good times! Love ya, Jana