Sunday, June 28, 2009


Things are going well in our neck of the woods, though not much has changed from the last time we posted. I am rotating through the school's clinics for 7 more weeks or so, and have had a good experience so far. Its amazing actually putting things to practice, how much of what I have learned actually stuck. Its been very interesting seeing the different things I can pick up on, and can miss as well. The other day I had a patient that had diabetic swelling on the back of the eye that I didn't pick up on, so that was a little bit embarrassing, but it was the first time I had ever seen it (hopefully) so I have to cut myself a little slack. Jenni is still busy being super mom, taking the kids for long walks, doing homeschool stuff with them, as well as taking excellent care of them. Other than that, I am golfing here and there, and managed to get eagle number 2 the other week. So that was good for me.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Things Are Good

If you don't already know by now , Mom, got me a dog for fathers day.. Her name is Lilly, and is about 2 yrs. old.. salt and pepper in color.. Maddi and Gilly, really like her alot. while they visited with us that week end they walked her all over and competed to see who could get lilly, to sit on their laps the very most.. the dog really loved all the attention they gave her.. So Mom, has had to get up 15 mins early to take her for a walk before she goes in to work.. I at first didn't want much too do with her, and told mom we should find her a different home.. But that has changed she is very smart and loves to play chase the toy.. at least in the house.. We had trouble with her going big job in the house so we isolated her to just the living room so we could make sure she went out side.. We have since had a block wall put in across the edge of the drive way and will have a gate built and put in up in about 7 days.. Right now we have the gate opening blocked.. and can leave the basement door open a crack so she can come in or out.. This seem to have made a big difference for all of us.. The things we are using to block the opening blow down today and she got out and was standing on Joy's wall barking at her little black dog.. she came over and they are now friends.. I was a bit surprised though when lilly come in the front door because i thought i had her secured in the back yard.. at least she didn't take off..

Monday, June 22, 2009

In case you didn't know Just in case you didn't know and would like to check it out, this is my personal blog/journal of sorts. There are pictures and stuff on this blog that I don't put on our family blog. I don't want to take all the space and that sort of thing....... I'm sure you know what I mean. (maybe) Anyway for those who are interested we went to Shoshone Falls on Fathers Day and there are photos of our adventure. :) I love you all and like Dad would love to hear more from you if you find you have just a minute to share your life with me. I am really missing you all! Jana

Monday, June 15, 2009


Today was a nice sun shinny day! It was so nice to go out and work in the garden for a little while.
I was thinking that everything would have washed away with all the rain that we have had. That or just plan died from getting too much water.
Things were actually doing really well. Especially the weeds! I spent almost an hour and a hlaf just weeding the potatoes! Thats all I got done because I went with Chet to do some tractor work. Boy are my shoulders sore.
Megan left for girls camp today. Our stake went up to the Heber Valley Camp. This will be Megan's last time at girls camp and I hope she has a really good time. She doesn't like going very much because she gets homesick really bad. But she has enough cell service that she can text me at night before she goes to bed so that helps a little.
Ford went to scout camp last week. It was only a three day camp but he had a lot of fun! He got to shoot guns and go Rappelling. He did a 70 foot rappel. He said I am rotten because I gave him my fear of heights. I told him that I didn't give it to him because I still had all of my own!
Chet is still working like crazy. If it is not at his air machine job, than it is with the tractor business. I don't like that he works so much but I am grateful for the work and for being able to pay the bills.
Anyway, I guess that is all for now. I will take pictures of the garden soon so you all can see how it is coming along. Love you and hope to hear from you all soon!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hope everyone is great

I have talked with some of you on the telephone and the reports have all been good.. We even got Jennah, call on her birthday (SAT).. I still miss the entries on the blog.. I think that is my daily wellness therapy because it gives me something to look foreward to.. I can only clean the house just so much, and watch so many movies; although I have watch some very good movies the past few weeks.. I am really looking foreward to the start of the up coming football season at BYU.. not until Sept... I guess MOM, and I are planning to come up north and visit with mom's brothers and sisters and the kids get togather at Christi's place.. Don't know just how we can be in two places at once.. but we will some how! Give everyone our love, and have a great summer with lots of fun things to do..

Sunday, June 7, 2009

From the far reaches of Colorado

Hi all

I'm not going to apologize for not posting more often because there's not much use to that, it doesn't change the past frequency of posting. Here's an update on our crew.

Jesse, Brielle, and Jennah just finished their spring soccer season. Jesse and Bree played on a 5 man team together and Jennah was their coach. We were initially disappointed that there weren't enough players for at least two full squads, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. In fact, I've decided, under certain circumstances, these types of games are funner because there's no time for anyone to stop and the action is constant. It was fun to see Jess and Bree improve so much, they were both very aggressive and played hard, smiling almost all the while.

Jesse earned his Webelos and Arrow of Light. He'll be moving out of the Cub Scouts and into Boy Scouts this month.

Paige has just finished swimming lessons. She's a little fish and we hope to help her keep it up. Her favorite book currently is Green Eggs and Ham. She's constantly wanting to read it to anyone who will listen. It's fun to see how much she enjoys learning.

Kylee is our resident dramatic story teller. I wish you could see her face as she tells the story. Her eyes grow large enough to swallow the universe and the earnestness in her expression is absolutely captivating, and very humurous. Its also very funny to hear her classify small and large things because she often refers to them as "babies" and "mommies" respectively.

Caleb is making great progress in his speech. Its very satisfying to see him get better and have others tell us how much he talks now. If he has an audience, he will go on and on and on and... In addition to his speech, he has added a veritable sound studio worth of sound affects to his repetoire of expression. This, in addition to his current enchantment with airplanes (everything somehow turns into an airplane, including himself), makes for a very dynamic conversation.

Eryn is growing so much. She is learning to express herself better all the time. She loves to play with all the kids, regardless of what they're doing. Yep is still her favorite word, and she has a tremendous independent streak. We're trying to help her learn to express the latter without emphasizing her point with a scream.

Jennah is enjoying the fact that she has a summer break as well as the kids. Now she is in full planning mode for the next round of home shooling. She has started taking bike rides with a neighbor in the mornings a couple of times a week. She is also making all of our soap and shampoo and laundry soap. It's pretty cool. She might even turn it into a business and involve the kids. She is Activity Days Leader and just got called to be the Primary Chorister (she will smack anyone who laughs at that - Ouch!!).

I am working away. I've recently changed positions and am now back out at Schriever AFB, sitting in almost the exact same seat I had as a Captain, doing almost the same work. I'm looking at more schooling this Fall, probably another graduate degree. I have been called to be Assistant Deacon's Quorum Advisor and Assistant Scout Master. Its the first calling outside of the Elder's Quorum Presidency I have had, with a brief stint in Sunday School and a few months in YMs, since Jennah and I got married. I'm looking forward to it.

We love you all and I'll get to work on that teleporter so we can see each other at will.

Love you

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Visit with grandma

We had granny here for a bit and had a lot of fun showing her all over the place. I think we did a good job of wearing her out! Here's some of the pics from the things we did and saw

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Everyone Well

Dear family, I have enjoyed each of your blogs.. The problem I see is they don't come often enough... I know everyone is very busy and I am just an ole retired person with maybe more time on my hands than I like.. But i can honestly say it's more than that.. it becomes a conformation that you are all okey and a time to show case your families.. all which is great stuff for grand parents..It's also an important but small way to stay togather.. I feel that more now since aunt Eelje, passed away.. I love you all and enjoy calling and talking with each of you and your families. I hope everyone is well and having the beginings of a great summer.. Don't forget it really would be alright to come visit us in St George..
Love DaD