Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi Guys

As you read in Dad's message, Memorial Day weekend sounds like the best time for my crew and I to come out for a get together. Looking at our summer booking up so quickly so soon, and knowing that the longer its postponed, the more likely it will be permanently postponed, we thought this sounded like the best idea. Jennah and I talked about leaving Thursday after work, going partway, and finishing the rest of the drive on Friday morning. So, that would put us there sometime Friday afternoon. Then we would probably go home Tuesday morning, giving us the weekend plus a day. What do you all think?

As an aside, Jennah and I are celebrating our 13th Anniversary today. That seems like a long time when I look ahead, but when I look behind, is seems like no time at all. Like Jacob said in the Book of Mormon, that their lives "passed away like as it were unto us a dream", so it sometimes seems to me.

Here are a couple pictures of our puppy monster. On the whole, its been fun to have her and she's learning. As you can see, she's already bigger than Eryn.

I also added a recent picture of my little girls. I think I'd better start training Dame to be a guard do so she'll be ready when the boys start to come a'knockin.

Love you all


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Family GG Togather

Hi! everyone I guess no one wants to blog with me.. I talked with a couple of you about coming for a visit to St George this year.. Christi and her family are trying to arrange a visit on Memorial Day, week end..I spoke to Dave, about what time frame he and his family had in mind to come to Utah, this year..with the infomation about momorial day he and Jennah, both thought that may be the best time for them also.. I have ask Dave, to post a blog with what they decide.. hopefully it will be this weekend.. then everyone else can see what their schedules may look like at that time frame.. Stephen, and his family just may make that one before they travel to their first assignment.. who knows where that may be??????? He will graduate on the 22,May 2010..I hope everyone can block out some time for momorial weekend.. Mom and I are doing good.. Mom has had a week from----, they are being reviewed and she has put in tons of extra time trying to get all the information they may need.. She will be ready for her trip to Salt Lake City, for the gem show next weekend.. I went to the Dr. Friday and had a great blood is up to 12.8 which is a good range..We both have been blessed to not get colds etc.. thank the Lord for those blessings..It is getting late and I should close this.. I Love each of you very much... DAD

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


When I had a chance to speck with David, sunday evening he informed me that the month of June,is all booked up for scouting and camp out with his ward.. I know we talked about trying t get togather that month for our family gathering... so I ask each of you to to please start thinking about when we can have are whole family time some time this summer...or any other time that may work out for everyone.. It really is going to take some effort on everyone part to help make this work for us..
I love you all and really am looking foreword of have the family all togather...I hope all of you will share ideas and thought and let us know what works best for you all.. We had a great visit last weekend up north and was able to see everyone and had a family dinner at the villege Inn, I was sorry that Christi, and family could not be there, and hope Mati, is feeling lots better... It would be nice to here form you It seems most of what in entered in the blog is from Jan or me or Steve.. LOve all of you very much...DAD