Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quick trip....

Hello everyone, We just got home today from a quick trip to St George. Seems like that is the only kind we seem to be able to work out these days.

This weekend was a perfect time to make a quick trip though. The temp wasn't as hot as we all know it can get, and we were also privileged to some thunderstorms while we were there. It doesn't rain much during the summer months so it was a treat! (an it smelled SO good!)

Dad seems to be recovering pretty good, I think he is more uncomfortable than he ever lets on, but he tries to make the best of things. His pooch loves him so much, she has a hard time staying away from the sore areas, but it is cute to see how they interact with each other. She really is a cute dog.

While we were there Dad & Mom took us out to the "Glitter Pit" where Ford and Chet, and Mom for that matter where in their height of heaven looking for the 'big' stones. It was a neat place and a fun ride. I am sure we will have to venture out there on future a visit.

Megan wasn't with us, she had a job interview, which prevented her from going, so our trip felt like it was missing something the whole time. Only it wasn't something, it was someone. Both of my kids play such an important part in my life and I really miss them when they are not around! They are growing up so fast and I have to admit, I am not looking forward to the day they "fly the coop" so to speak. Not to say that I want them to stay home forever either though. I am just painfully aware, when they are not with us on a trip like this, how much I truly enjoy having them around and how much I will miss that when it changes! Ford is such a great guy! He helps me out so much whenever I ask. He might grumble a little but he always steps up to the task. He has such a big heart and has such an amazing testimony! I know he will make a great missionary. Not too long from now either. Megan is going to be a senior this year and Ford will be a sophomore! I only have three more years of basic education to get them through. It almost doesn't seem possible, but I sent the paper work in just this last Monday so I know that it is for real!

Anyway, I always get rambling on way more than I ever intend to, but I love you all and I miss you tons! Christi and Mindy, I have veggies if you feel so inclined to come and get some! Onions, beans, zucchini, yellow squash and the pumpkins are doing fabulous! So if you have a minute, even if you can't hang out all day, feel free to come out and share in our "spoils" (blessings) . I would love to see you.

I have included a couple of pictures of our trip to the glitter pit. I would love to hear for you all. Hope things are good however busy they might be for you.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I returned home from the hospital about 2pm the Dr. I wsa waiting to see was doing surgery and could not get away to visit with meand mom so he had his PA come in and arrange things so I could get the belly drain out and get the orders I needed to take home to try and make me all {better} MOM has been agreat support through out the whole problem.. In fact It was her efforts that got me to get to the hospital and have it checked and found out I had a hot apendixs sp..While in the ER room getting examined the nurse accsessed my port, where I have blood drawn from, and meds injected.. I think she set me up for extra pain she had to tape it dowm in the hariest part of my chest so this morning when I was checking out I lost alot of hair from that spot.. I see adds where ladies do that to them selves.. they must be nuts that really hurts!!.. The dog was really happy to see both mom and I at home at the sametime.. she was so over joyed that she jump into my belly oops..I Love you all so very much, and felt all the prayers offerd in my behalf.. they really realy help get done what needed to be done for me.. Love you all and so very much enjoy reading all your posts {DAVE} it has been a while.. I love you all and wish you all well!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The simplest answer is usually the right one

... and the most often overlooked! I had a rather fun experience in clinic today where I couldn't get a kid to see clearly out of one eye behind the lens machine, even though I knew he could see without it. Funny thing, you'ld have thought I would have pulled the machine away to see if there was something wrong with it, and I did everything to it, except put my head in it and look through it, but I didn't, so I spent a ton of time trying everything I could think of to get this kid to see, and finally through my hands into the air and asked the attending for help, first thing she did was check the machine, and sure enough, even though I had just used it on a previous patient, it was messed up somehow. So moral of the story, don't go looking for complex answers until you've ruled out the simple ones. And yes I made a complete clown of myself re-learning this!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nothing new

Sorry I haven't posted for a bit but there really isn't anything new going on here. The kids are still looking for jobs but neither of them have had any luck.
I am going with Chet as often as possible and loving every chance I have to be with him. I also have to say how nice it is that, Megan and Ford are old enough to be able for me to do that.
When I am not with Chet I am working out in the garden, which is doing very well, we got peas, beans and zucchini from it so far. Everything else looks great and I am hoping to keep the squash bugs at bay so I will have both Pumpkins and an array of squashes. I am loving it!
Chet is still crazy busy with tractor stuff and I help him out with that when ever there is need for me. Today it took all of us to do a couple of jobs in Layton. I will be feeling every part of my body in the morning. That is if I can even move.
Anyway, I have just been constantly on the move since school let out and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. I am hoping to get down to see Mom and Dad but not sure when that will take place either. Just playing life day by day.
Love you all, Jana

Friday, July 10, 2009


it's me! i cannot believe how quickly summer is flying by. it seems like school got out just yesterday and we are already contemplating (or dreading) school shopping. we had a great visit with dad and mom the weekend of father's day. the girlies keep begging to go back. we have gotten messy doing art, seen frogs eating crickets end even made homemade strawberry jam. in the midst of all this life stuff, somehow i have managed to miss birthdays (SO SORRY!!) and acquire a terrifying mountain of laundry. i'm sure that you'll be relieved to know that gilli still wears her zucchini and madi has her times tables memorized. we are soaking up summer! i hope your summer is going joyfully and messily enough to suit you all. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


MOM, and I had a great trip over to Colo.. to visit Dave and Jennah and the children.. We got some belated birthday gifts for Jesse and Jennah.. The boys had a chance to go on one last fishing trip before I retired from that also.. It was just too hard for me to climb up some of the steep river banks.. While I am sad and disapointed I have to remember thing are just what they are ,and I can't do much to change it, but try and use good judgement.. I am so sorry to the ones I told I would take them fishing.. I will try and make it up to you some way.. I was very happy to remember the knot the grandpa Martin, showed me how to tie so many years ago when I first started learning how to fish.. anyone who may want me to teach them how I am most willing..I took our little dog to the groomer to day for the works.. as I gave the leash to the groomer Lilly, turned too me and begged me not to leave her there.. when we picked her up after she was finished she wanted to get out there posthast..I want all of you to know how very much you are all loved by mom and I... and how much we enjoy visiting with each of you.. The offer is always open for you to come to st George for a visit and some fun.. please take care!! and if you can.. take some time amd share on the blog..