Saturday, May 23, 2009

ummmmmmm. . .

so, if post frequency is any indicator, life has become a bit crazy for the whole bunch of us. this is a long over-due update from our little corner of the world.

we are mournfully singing a funeral dirge for the blue pathfinder. who knew transmissions could actually combust??? we are a one car family for now, until we decide what to do. it's an interesting adjustment. i have realized how much i like being able to come and go on my own whims. probably good to be reminded of how to coordinate every once-in-a-while.

if i thought the inside of our house took a lot more time to keep up with, it is nothing compared to the yard. i think i understand why some people choose to live in apartments their whole life. but it is so wonderful for the girlies to have a place to run and draw on the sidewalk, so we mow the lawn, praise the joys of a "soon-to-be-working sprinkler system" and spend a lot of time outside.

we are looking forward to june 25 & 26, and wish it could be the whole clan getting together. maybe next year?
the girlies have two more weeks of school before summer break! i am excited for summer with my kiddos -- hopefully the sibling squabbles will be minimal and the fun factor memorable.

hope all your corners are happy and well!. love & hugs!!

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