Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Dear Family,
I hope everyone is ready for Christmas, and all the special times that come to our families.. Mom, and i are doing well.. My blood is up and holding strong.. I have another blood draw 1/4/11,I feel everything we be fine then too...
Mom, went to Salt, last week end to take christmas presents and visit with everyone she could.. Sat eve she Megan,Christi, Madie,Gillie,and Mindy got to go out for dinner... Then Sunday morning they all attended the sunday morning Christmas Spokenword program... She then stopped at Steve place and had lunch with them before starting home to St George... She was able to watch Katie and Ryan open their gifts.. Katie loved her new dress but when Ryan opened his gift he started to cry.. and said I don't need clothes I need toys...
Chet had his surgery today and Jan reports he is doing okey tonight.. They plan to come to St George to be with us for Christmas.. That is if the weather is good enough to allow them to travel safely.. We really hope to see them and to spend time with their family...
We just received a note from Mindy, she suggested we as a family we should restart the fanily letter, and start sending it around to each family.. She believes it would help bring us closer as a family and help bring as closer to each other.. I agree, there is something more personal about hold and reading something that one of your family prepared and mailed to other members.. Please don't let this idea fall by the way side I hope everyone will give this serious consideration..
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a very happy Hoilady season .. LOVE DAD

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