Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It has been a long time since anyone posted a blog on our family site..I really miss reading someone else post, please take a moment and make an entry... I am doing well.. My blood is staying up.. I go see the Dr. on May 25th.. it has been a little over ninety days since my last apointment... Maybe this time we can reduce one more pill, I hope! Then it becomes a matter of waiting to see how my body responds with one less pill.. The more I can cut back the better it will be for my kidneys..
Today Mom, had to drive to Knab UT. and Page AZ. see had appointments to meet with prospective patients.. In Page she had a presentation for all the LDS Bishops in the area and felt their effort has been well worth it for them.. They have to be up and on the road wed. by 6:30 to meet with some one in Knab, then they drive over to Alta and Orderville for more meetings.. If she is lucky she should get home about 9pm.. This new job has added a lot of stress to our lives.. Mom feels it may be her fault that more people have not signed up for their service, so she is working harder and longer.. She will be successful, but it isn,t coming fast enough for her..
I miss seeing all of you. I do get to talk with most everyone on the telephone and that does help some.. I hope to get to see everyone this summer..
I just over ccoked a pot of egges I forgot about while i was doing this blog..
I love each of you very much, and pray the Lords blessing will be upon each and everyone one of you.. LOVE DAD

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