Monday, January 9, 2012


Dear Family, I hope everyone had great holidays and felt the love of their Father in Heaven.. I spent the holidays with mom and we are starting to learn how to play again.. That may include laughing at silly jokes sharing special moments and places..
On Christmas day we got up late then went in to the tree to start opening our gifts.. I had enough staff,and a couple of big boxes so I could'nt put everything in mom's stocking.... Sooo I bought a couple of new pillow cases to put stuff in..any way it turned out to be fun to watch her get the little things out and open them and enjoy a care free time togather and with each other..
We enjoyed seeing or talking to each one of you that day.. I want you to all know that also help make it a special time for mom and I.. I pray that each of you got to wish each of your brothers or sisters a merry christmas... I pray that life never becomes so busy for each of you that you don't take time to share good will and peace on earth with each other.. I just can't express how very important I think this is as brothers & sisters... And if anyone wonders if I did that on christmas day when mom and I where first married, yes we did..
Someone told me a couple of days a go that now you and Mom have everything back togather again everyone has gone back to the way they use to be I guess that means not talking to one another.. One thing you should all know is, mom ans I are still trying to improve and learn better how we can support each other so we won't return to the place we just came from.. I know how busy everyone is in their lives, but please remember how important each of you brothers and sisters are or can be in your life and your families lives..
I love each of you with all my heart and being... DAD

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