Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bitch secession....

Today's blog is simply a bitch secession! So if you don't want to listen to me bitch, I suggest you read NO FARTHER!!!!
I KNOW I live in Utah, and I KNOW it snows here, but can I just tell you HOW ready I am for winter to be OVER!!!!
I am trying to be patient, I am trying not to complain. The last few years Chet has mentioned a few times, how my complaining of the snow is not going to make it any less and NOT going to make it go away. I get that! So this year, I have made a concerted effort to try NOT to bitch and complain about the snow as much. And this year, compared to the last few....I have had WAY more reason. Still...I have held it ALLLL inside and not said the typical "I hate winter...I hate snow"...and the usual comments.
 Then Mother nature pulls a fast one, and starts to warm up....just a bit...which is what is expected...right? Well....don't let anyone fool you... I think Mother Nature has a warped sense of humor! Let's start to warm up for those who are hoping for warmer weather, and then yank the rug right out from under them!
Not only is is SNOWING like crazy today, but the WIND is blowing, like a long winded bitch with nothing to say but all the wind in which to keep blowing with!!! (heavy sigh)
I know that winter is necessary, but does it need to be so blasted LONG???? Really??? I swear! I wish we could move to someplace that was warmer more months out of the year than cold. Chet would never hear of it though....Must live by the mountains, which I get, if only we got to VISIT the mountain that we live by a bit more, it would make more sense. But NO.... we spend the time he is not working, working his EXTRA job to help us be able to afford more, and do more? Working our lives away, and then the time we have off we spend huddled inside because it is too blinking cold to go do ANYTHING!!!! This is just wrong to me!!! I HATE it!!!! Life is so short, and we are spending pour free time inside freezing to death and doing NOTHING because it is too cold to go out! Blah!!!! I am ready to move away! Too bad it would have to be alone if I did so! :(    Okay....rant is over....sorry....

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