Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just a quickie

I just wanted to make a quick update and let everyone know we are all still alive at the Parker house. At least all of us are for the time being. I think Megan is testing to see how long it will take before I snap and either end up at the funny farm or kill her. Really though, over all things are going well. I have my job and Chet still has his. The kids both have a job which helps out now that they are both driving fiends and can pay for their own insurance and gas. (whew) Megan's friend Jessica is still with us and she is getting ready to graduate at the end of this year. Megan should be going to graduate, but it is looking less and less likely by the day. One day I am sure it will matter to her, but right now I think she has just given up. There was too much to over come, and it was simply too over whelming for her. Which at this point I can see how that would be. To bad she didn't start working on it long before now. Ford too is feeling the tug of summer and has slacked off in his school work, but I am hoping that by watching Megan that he will decide to kick it up before he has to work as hard to catch up as her. I have decided that they have to be the ones who want it though, not me! All I can do is encourage and pray! If you all would send up a prayer in their behalf as well I would be grateful! Love you all and hope to hear or read from you all soon! Jana

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