Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hey everyone! Hope this post finds you all well and good!
I thought that the secessions of Conference were wonderful! as usual! This year we did something a bit different. At least for us. We usually just sit home or take a drive, but the weather has been crazy weird and not really fun to be out in. So we had some friends of ours call and invite is over for lunch with them and to watch the last secession of conference. It was really nice! Ford got to be there for lunch and the secession of conference, and Megan got there after she got off work. Just before the secession got over. Then we had dessert and Ford left for work.
Then we popped in the movie Tangled and enjoyed the movie with them and Megan. What a great way to spend the day!
I wish I lived closer to family so that we could do that as family, but as it is I don't see much of anyone, any more than they do either. Distance and fuel hinder things even more at the moment, but we are trying to get down to see Mom and Dad. Hoping it is going to work out that we can go down for Mom's birthday!

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