Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hello all

Well, this has taken a while. Maybe we can revive this blog a bit. I hope so. I will make a concerted effort to get on here more often.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all. We wish we could come out for a little celebration. But, we've got some great things coming up this year that I need to start banking my time off for. Things like weddings and family get-togethers and Scout Camps and Girls camps. Well, you get the idea.

This year will also be Jennah and my 15th Anniversary. That seemed like such a huge mile marker when we started this trip. And, it is a big marker. The time just passed on the journey much faster than I could have imagined. I suppose it always does that. Time is funny stuff. Oh well, if the Mayan calendar is right, time will end in 2012 anyway and we won't have to worry about it anymore. Let's live it up!

I am actually looking forward to this new year, even as I glance back at the one just passed and wonder how that happened.

I hope to see you all soon and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love Dave & Jennah & the Wild Things (yes, they're here)

1 comment:

Jana and Family said...

Yay for Dave making a post!!! Yay for someone other than Dad and I making a post! :) Thanks! I can only marvel at the busy life you lead and wonder how on Earth you manage to keep things in order. I will let you know asap about Megans wedding.