Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Parker Update

Okay not to much to say but here goes anyway.
Megan is doing as little as she has to in everyday life just to scrape by. She is in a major funk and I hope we can find a way to get her out of it ASAP! She is working on things in her own way depending on the day.
Ford let his grades slip a little in the last term which resulted in his missing the last 2 swim meets of the season. Sad for him and his Mom. I have really been enjoying them. I get a little excited though I have to admit. Now the goal is to keep grades up for the rest of the year so that he can be on the team again next year. That's the goal. Oh ya, and he got a job!!! He works at Iceberg drive in, in Syracuse.
Megan's friend Jessica has been living with us now since New Years. It has been an adjustment having someone with a totally different background and up bringing living here and making the adjustments on both sides so that we can all be happy. All in all I think it has been a good thing. She and Megan are sharing a bedroom and it is a little cramped but I think it has been good for both of them.
Chet was working a crazy lot of hours there for a while, but now seems to either be caught up a little bit or to be just worn down enough or both, to not be working so many hours. He and I have been spending time together when we can to get back some of what has been missing.
I am still working at the school, not making any money, but eh, oh well right? Everyone is healthy for the moment so what more could we ask for? (don't say a word!)
I think I will be going out for a managers job if one comes available, so if I could ask that you all keep me in your prayers a little bit I would be grateful!
I would love to know how things in all of your worlds are going, since we don't get to see each other nearly often enough. Please at least drop a note telling me (everyone) you are all alive. Life is crazy busy I know, but it would be nice for even a hello. Love and miss you all. Hope life is treating you good. Love Jana & family

1 comment:

mom&dad said...

Thanks Sister,I too would enjoy hearing from everyone, it just sometimes helps make my day alittle brighter.. Love Dad