Thursday, September 4, 2008


can you say adding insult to injury? yesterday was a tough day.
first owwie of the day -- gilli started kindergarten. :( while she is only gone less than three hours every day, she is still away from me and my watchful eye. i asked her to stop and wave at me when she got to the door, or i think she would have left me without a backward glance. today when we got to the school she wanted me to stay in the car and let her walk all by herself. so much for momma's apron strings.
second owwie - that would be a root canal on one of my ever so lovely teeth. not so much fun. to top it off, the temporary crown fell off on the way home -- nice huh?!? so i had to go back again today. i have avoided the dentist office for as long as i could and two times in two days is way too much dentistry for me. ouch!!!!!!!!
so, sorry for the e.e. cummings approach to upper case today, but at least i posted.
on the bright side of our world, both girlies are loving school, there is finally progress on construction -- they actually framed the new garage today and trusses and joists arrive monday (or tuesday) which probably means wednesday. so we may actually have a roof before snow starts at the rate they are going, and we'll only have to move our stuff three more times to make it happen. construction is obnoxious!
tylenol and a big gilli hug after school fixed my owies, and now good family of mine, i'm off for storytime.
hugs from me to you!! you'll have to get your won tylenol. :)

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